Walking with God

Trinity life revolves around growing as disciples of Jesus who are filled with the Holy Spirit and overflow with God’s life-changing love into communities and nations.  

Growing as a disciple of Jesus only comes through being an active ‘follower’ with three goals:    

  1. Being with Jesus more
  2. Becoming like him
  3. Doing what he did

That’s it! 

However, ‘Walking with God’ in this way is a lifetime journey. Being with Jesus is not just attending a meeting on a Sunday. Becoming more like Jesus involves listening to him, and being shaped by his teachings through the work of the Holy Spirit. Doing more of what he did is about being transformed from the inside out every day.

Is this kind of deep, authentic and radical shaping of character, mindset, attitudes, perspective, personal culture and values really possible? Even in the complexity and pressures of today’s world?  Yes it is! Jesus said so, and the story of all the men and women who make up the Christian church and have learnt as ‘apprentices of the rabbi from Nazareth’, proves it!

The ‘Walking with God’ resources on these pages come from centuries of Christian experience about how to grow and progress as a disciple of Jesus.  

There’s no magic wand for following - no ’10 quick steps’ to Christian maturity and personal transformation. The Healthy Habits shared here are not a religious ‘to do list’ but if we explore and use them, they will lead into a closer and growing relationship with Jesus. These are gifts from God to help us on our journey as followers – because he wants to walk with us!  

Where to start? 

There are numerous ways to engage with spiritual healthy habits and practices.  But we encourage everyone who belongs to the Trinity church family to use the wisdom of making an intentional ‘Rule of Life’.  This is a tool which has been used for centuries to help followers of Jesus develop patterns which really do keep our relationship with God at the centre of life.